May 2022 Minutes
MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT THE BEONNA ON MONDAY 9th May 2022 at 7.15 pm following the Annual General Meeting.
Parish Councillors K Pinner (Chairman), G Gostelow and B Holland
Boston Borough Councillors P Bedford and J Welbourn
Mrs J Barnes (Clerk)
1.1 Apologies received from Councillors R Bell and J Grant.
2.1 The minutes of the parish council meeting held on the 4th April 2022 having been previously circulated were approved and signed by the Chairman.
3.1 The grass at the side of the footpath between the church and Bede Crescent was still an issue.
3.2 No more information had been received regarding signage at the top of Hall Lane, this was still causing numerous problems with HGV’s turning off the main road. It was agreed that the Clerk contact Lincolnshire County Councillor P Skinner.
3.3 The overgrown hedge near the Church had been reported to the owners and was still being monitored, as it was now growing again.
3.4 The Street Light (No.1) in David’s Lane had been reported, as not working at all.
3.5 The church clock quote and arrangements were still ongoing.
6.1 Highways - It was noted that brown Tourist Signs would soon be in place for The Beonna.
6.2 Councillor Grant Scheme - In the absence of Councillor Bell, no additional information was available. Councillor Pinner to make further enquiries.
6.3 Queen Platinum Jubilee - It was stated that there would be four days of events over the Bank Holiday weekend at The Beonna. After discussion it was unanimously agreed that £1000 from the Parish Council could be used as a contribution towards the events.
7.1 Numerous emails including those from LALC, had been forwarded to all councillors.
7.2 The Clerks & Councils issue for May was handed to Councillor Pinner.
8.11 The chairman reported that he and the Clerk had gone over all the documentation for the audit. It was noted that the council wished to claim exemption (income and expenditure under £25,000), using the AGAR Part 2 forms.
8.12 Annual Governance Statement – the councillors unanimously approved the statement by confirming that they have reviewed the effectiveness of the system of internal control.
1 - The council have prepared and approved the budget for the precept, monitoring during the year. All financial transactions are recorded and maintained throughout the year.
2 - The effectiveness of the system of internal control covers Standing Orders and Financial Regulations being in place and up-dated accordingly. The remuneration payable to all employees is approved in advance. VAT is recorded and claimed accordingly.
3 - All the council’s actions are controlled by stature.
4 - The council published the annual return both on the website and on the noticeboards.
5 - The council have assessed financial and other risks and have the appropriate insurance cove
6 - The council maintains control each meeting of financial and risk management. Following completion of the yearly accounts the internal auditor has all relevant documents required.
7 – We responded to the small issue relating to the grant, figures have been amended accordingly this year.
8 - The council have considered that no events have potential consequences on the finances.
9 – Not applicable – no trust funds.
The Annual Governance Statement was duly signed by Councillor Pinner and the Clerk.
8.13 The Certificate of Exemption, duly completed with the income and expenditure was signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.
8.14 The Accounting Statements had been completed against the previously agreed receipts and payments and was duly signed by the Chairman, Councillor Pinner and the Clerk. The explanation of the variance in the Total Other Receipts was agreed.
8.15 The Clerk stated that she had made arrangements with Evelyn Sands for the Internal Audit, before the necessary documents would be sent to the External Auditors.
8.2 The clerk presented the up-to-date accounts and evidence of the bank balance.
8.3 It was noted that a further account from e-on had been paid, this been mainly standing charge for electricity at the Playing Field. It was agreed that the situation be monitored.
8.4 The following payments were agreed.
Amount |
Payment Method |
e-on |
£27.53 |
£1.31 |
Direct Debit |
R Hammerton – Litter |
£100.00 |
The next meeting was arranged for 13th June 2022, at 7.00 pm at the Beonna.
10.1 It was noted that some damage had taken place at the Playing Field. Councillor Pinner stated he would make further enquiries.
There being no further business the Chairman thanked those in attendance and closed the meeting at 7.40pm