April 2024 Minutes
Parish Councillors K Pinner (Chairman), G Gostelow, J Grant, and B Holland
Boston Borough Councillor P Bedford
Lincolnshire County Councillor P Skinner
1 member of the Public
Mrs J Barnes (Clerk)
1 APOLOGIES were received from Councillor R Bell and Boston Borough Council D Broughton, who had sent a report.
The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 19th February 2024 having been previously circulated were approved and signed by the Chairman.
3.1 Hedge issue - A petition regarding the hedge alongside the church footpath had been handed in to the council, which the property tenant contested. It was noted that the hedge is trimmed satisfactorily, and no further action was required.
3.2 Bus Shelter Maintenance - Councillor Pinner stated he had obtained a quote for the re-painting for £160 which had been agreed, and this would be dealt with in due course.
3.3 Kings Portrait - This had now been received and was placed in The Beonna.
5.1 B/24/0019 - Application for installation of a SD3 Wind Turbine on a 15m mast at Honey Lodge, Sea End for Mrs C Anderton had been refused.
5.2 B/24/0152 - Application for alterations to equipment housings and external transformer enclosures at Wrangle Solar Farm, Land at Leverton Ings (next to the Benington border) was discussed. No objections.
6.1 Highways - Councillor Grant reported on several items he had placed on ‘Fix my Street’ and mention was made of a broken Hall Lane Sign. Also, it was noted that a trampoline which had blown away during the high winds had not been removed. Councillor Bedford stated he would report this.
6.2 Footway Lighting - No further information had been received and it was agreed not to pursue this at present.
6.3 Parish Agreement for Grass Cutting - The documents had been received for signature, and Councillor Pinner stated he would contact LCC for clarification.
6.4 Tree Preservation Orders - Advance notice had been received that Boston Borough Council would be undertaking a project in the near future.
6.5 Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Update - It was stated that the application had now been sent to The Planning Inspectorate.
6.6 Parish Liaison Meeting - Councillors Pinner and Gostelow both stated they would be attending the meeting on the 17th April. It was noted that an item on the Agenda was Highways and they agreed to take our issues forward.
6.61 Litter Picking Day - Councillor Pinner thanked those who had attended and helped to make it successful.
6.62 Litter Picker - The sad death of Ike Hammerton was announced and Councillor Pinner stated he had sent a condolence card on behalf of the Parish Council. Councillor Broughton had stated he had been in touch with the family who had mentioned the possibility of a bench in his memory. The clerk was requested to contact Councillor Broughton stating that the Parish Council had no objections.
After discussion it was agreed that an Advert for a Litter Picker be produced and placed on the Noticeboard and on the website.
7.1 Numerous emails including those from Boston Borough Council, Lincolnshire County Council, and LALC, had been forwarded to all councillors.
7.2 RAF Coningsby Heritage Centre - The clerk stated that she had been in contact with the Curator, Chief Technician Andy Copley who was inviting the Parish Council for a visit. This followed research he had conducted regarding a Lancaster bomber which had crashed during WW2 on the Butterwick/Benington border. It was agreed that a visit would be interesting, and the Clerk would make arrangements.
7.3 Clerks & Councils Direct - The April issue was handed to Councillor Pinner.
7.4 National Grid - Information received regarding the Eastern Green Link and the consultation taking place.
7.5 LALC Summer Conference - It was agreed that the Clerk could attend this event due to take place on Wednesday 24th July at Belton Woods Hotel and to stay the night.
8.1 The clerk presented the accounts for 2023/2024 which showed payments of £23,735.08 and receipts of £23,439.88. The balance at the end of the financial year was £29,266.26 of which £16,795 was already allocated in reserves. The accounts were approved and signed by Councillors Pinner and Gostelow.
8.2 Fixed Asset Register - It was noted that no further assets had been purchased during the financial year, so the figure would remain at £41,510.
8.31 Annual Audit - The Chairman reported that he and the Clerk had gone over all the documentation for the audit, using Form 2 of the AGAR with the annual gross income/expenditure being under £25,000.
8.32 Annual Governance Statement - the councillors unanimously approved the statement by confirming that they have reviewed the effectiveness of the system of internal control. This was duly signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.
8.33 The Accounting Statements had been completed against the previously agreed receipts and payments and was duly signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.
8.34 Certificate of Exemption - this had been completed against the previously agreed receipts and payments accounts and was duly signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.
8.35 The documents would now be forwarded to the Internal Auditor, along with all necessary files.
8.4 The clerk presented the up-to-date accounts; it was noted that the first half of the precept had not yet been received.
8.5 The following payment was authorised.
Amount |
Payment Method |
Beonna (hire of venue) |
£36.00 |
£6 |
9.1 The next meeting was arranged for 13th May 2024, at the Beonna which would follow the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual General Meeting.
There being no further business the Chairman thanked those in attendance and closed the meeting at 8.15 pm.
13 May 2024